Python Frameworks for web development

Best Python Frameworks For Web Development 

Python has become one of the popular programming languages for web development. This is mainly because of its simplicity, versatility, and rich ecosystem of libraries. The language has an easy-to-learn syntax. Moreover, developers often have multiple options when selecting the best Python frameworks for web development. 

Now, the question arises, which is the best Python framework for web development? Well, each framework has its strengths. You have to choose the right framework depending on your business requirements. Factors like project complexity and the need for increased efficiency will determine the right framework for you. Sounds vague right?  Well, in this blog we will uncover the different kinds of Python frameworks and the best Python frameworks for web development. We will also help you choose the right framework for your business requirements. Let’s dive right in!

Types of Python Frameworks for Web App Development

Python Frameworks are categorized based on their functionality and purpose. Each framework serves a different need. For instance, you might need a different framework for building a web application from scratch and a completely different one for specialized tasks. Here are the three main types of Python frameworks:

  1. Full Stack Framework

A full-stack framework or enterprise framework has built-in libraries that offer a comprehensive solution for various tasks. This includes creating forms, templates, and layouts. Full stack handles backend, front end, and database functionalities. A few examples would be Django, Pyramid, Cubic Web, and Turbo Gears.

  1. Micro Frameworks

Micro Frameworks are lightweight Python frameworks for web app development. They usually have limited features and functionalities and are ideal for specific tasks. Moreover, they are ideal for small to medium-sized projects where simplicity and minimal overhead are crucial. Some examples would be Flask, Dash, and Pycnic. 

  1. Asynchronous Frameworks

Asynchronous frameworks are designed to manage large numbers of concurrent connections. They leverage Python’s Asyncio library to handle tasks asynchronously. 

These frameworks support non-blocking I/O operations. With this feature, a single thread can handle thousands of connections very efficiently. Hence, they are mainly used for real-time applications, WebSockets, chat applications, and long-polling systems, which require managing lots of users simultaneously. Some examples include Tornado, Sanic, and Growler. 

Now let’s uncover the best Python Frameworks for Web Development.

Best 5 Python Frameworks For Web Development

1. Django

Django is a free, open-source Python framework that enables the rapid development of complex applications. It allows developers to create high-quality web apps seamlessly. Its ecosystem supports everything from user authentication to data management. This makes it a great choice for data-driven applications. Moreover, it is used by major platforms like Instagram and Pinterest which underscores its reliability. 

If we are talking about numbers, over 12000 projects have been created in it which further asserts its usefulness. A major factor that contributes to its popularity is its extensive library and coding reusability. 

Let’s take a closer look at its pros and cons. 


  • Easily define URL patterns using a powerful URL dispatcher
  • Integrated authentication system for secure user management
  • DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) principle for enhanced code reusability
  • Active community support


  • Not suitable for smaller projects due to its comprehensive nature
  • Less flexibility 
  • Need extensive familiarity with the structure for optimal usage.
  • Can face performance issues if handling a large volume of requests.

Want more information about Django? Click Here! 

2. Flask

Flask is an easy-to-use microweb framework. It enables developers to build web applications seamlessly while maintaining scalability.  Flask’s minimalist design makes it an appealing choice for developers who prefer a lightweight framework without any unnecessary add-ons. Moreover, it is very extensible, allowing the integration of third-party libraries for improved functionality. This makes it suitable for small to medium-sized projects, RESTful APIs, and prototypes.  

Let’s understand it better by looking at the pros and cons.


  • Modular design enables developers to choose the libraries they need.
  • Lightweight framework
  • RESTful request handling
  • Built-in development server. 


  • Not very suitable for large projects owing to its simple framework.
  • No built-in form validation 
  • No built-in support for user authentication
  • Handles only minimum eros by default.

3. Tornado

Tornado is one of the best Python frameworks for web app development. It is well suited to build scalable applications that require robust network connections like web sockets and HTTP/2 connections. Moreover, its asynchronous architecture enables it to manage thousands of connections with minimal resources. This makes it ideal for scalable, low-latency applications like streaming and live chat. 

Tornado also provides a simple web framework with routing and request handlers but leaves much of the application structure to the developer. It is important to note that while Tornado is great in real-time communication, it does have a steep learning curve. 


  • Tornado can handle thousands of simultaneous connections with minimum resource usage.
  • Built-in Support for web sockets and web polling
  • Offers a minimalist Python framework for web app development
  • Can handle multiple I/O bound tasks like database queries


  • Does not offer out-of-box features
  • Uses a single thread to manage all tasks. This means that it can slow down if too many requests are handled at once.
  • Does not have a large community support.
  • It’s not ideal for a simple application.

4. Blue Beam

BlueBream is an open-source framework, server, and library for online application development. Formerly, it was called Zope 3, and it was created by the Zope team. The framework suits medium to large-sized operations divided into reusable, flexible components.

BlueBream is dependent on Zope Toolkit, which has ample experience, guaranteeing durability, consistency, and adaptability in coding.  Thus, it can be ensured that BlueBream meets the key requirements for durable, consistent, and adaptable code. The framework is designed to foster separation of concerns, helping in organizing code and maintaining flexibility as applications grow. It supports robust creation of secure, efficient, and extensible web applications.


  • It is focused on Python WSGI compatibility.
  • It offers frameworks for unit and functional testing.
  • It follows security best practices.
  • It uses XHTML-compliant language to develop templates


  • BlueBream is difficult to learn for new Python or Zope framework developers.
  • It’s not suitable for simple applications.
  • Its component-based architecture and a high number of features may overwhelm developers.
  • BlueBream has fewer developers and resources as compared to other popular frameworks such as Django or Flask.

5. Grok

Grok is another popular Python framework for web app development. It is built on the Zope Toolkit technologies. The framework focuses on agile development based on two principles including convention over configuration and Do not repeat yourself (DRY). Grok is an open-source framework that helps speed up application development and allows developers flexibility to choose any libraries based on their requirements. The UI of Grok is very much like the other full-stack Python frameworks such as Pylons and TurboGears.


  • Creates a solid basis for developing sophisticated, flexible web applications.
  • Makes use of Zope 3’s features for more functionality.
  • Has a strong object storage database.


  • Grok has its templating system, which may not allow for much flexibility for developers who are used to or prefer the more popular template engines like Jinja2.
  •  While Grok leverages the power of the Zope framework, it can feel very tightly coupled to Zope, which may not be appealing to developers who want to have more freedom or flexibility in choosing components from other ecosystems.

How to Select the Best Python Framework

Selection of the best Python framework for web development depends on several factors that influence the project’s success. The framework selected should align with your project’s size, complexity, scalability needs, and budget. Moreover, it should also ensure ease of use and future maintainability.

Project Size and Scope

Start by assessing your project’s size and requirements. Full-stack frameworks like Django or Pyramid are ideal for large-scale applications with complex features, while micro frameworks like Flask or Bottle suit smaller projects with minimal needs.

Architecture Patterns

Most frameworks adopt architecture patterns like MVC (Model-View-Controller), MVP (Model-View-Presenter), MVA (Model-View-Adapter), or MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel). The above patterns keep data handling, UI, and logic separate and result in code that is much more maintainable and structured. Choose a pattern that best fits your project’s structure and complexity.

Budget and Hosting

Budget constraints also play a role in framework selection. Dedicated hosting guarantees performance, but it may be expensive. Shared hosting, though economical, lacks advanced modules that may be required for applications.

Ease of Installation

Frameworks that are easy to install and deploy, like Flask and, ease the development process and make it easier to get over deployment problems. Choose frameworks that have the least amount of setup and deploy without hassle in production.

Choose frameworks with rich resources and a minor learning curve. Flask and FastAPI offer great tutorials that are suitable for freshers. Django is documentation-intensive and suited more to experienced developers.

Core Libraries

Save unnecessary time by not rewriting the same code repeatedly. This can be assured if you choose a framework that has a powerful core library.  Consider frameworks with basic features offered, such as templating, authentication, caching, and validation of data.

Meeting Project Requirements

The best Python framework for web development depends on your project needs. For flexibility and lightweight applications, Flask is the best. For full-fledged, scalable applications, Django is the best.


Choosing the best Python frameworks for web development is more than just a technical decision. It shapes the foundation of your project’s success. Whether you’re crafting a lightweight app with Flask or building a robust enterprise solution with Django, aligning the framework with your project’s scale, complexity, and goals is key. The beauty of Python lies in its versatility, offering frameworks for every need, from micro to full-stack and asynchronous solutions.

Take time to assess the specific needs of your project, and consider the scope each framework may offer. You can invest in the one that meets today's needs and tomorrow's ambitions without a hitch. With the right tools, your developmental journey can be smoother, faster, and more rewarding.
Advait Upadhyay

Advait Upadhyay (Co-Founder & Managing Director)

Advait Upadhyay is the co-founder of Talentelgia Technologies and brings years of real-world experience to the table. As a tech enthusiast, he’s always exploring the emerging landscape of technology and loves to share his insights through his blog posts. Advait enjoys writing because he wants to help business owners and companies create apps that are easy to use and meet their needs. He’s dedicated to looking for new ways to improve, which keeps his team motivated and helps make sure that clients see them as their go-to partner for custom web and mobile software development. Advait believes strongly in working together as one united team to achieve common goals, a philosophy that has helped build Talentelgia Technologies into the company it is today.
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